Learn More about the Single Edge

Built to Last

Our company was founded on an unwavering commitment to supplying you with goods that are honestly constructed and built to last a lifetime. With that in mind, we fashioned the Single Edge using only the highest quality materials available. The entire razor is precision crafted using the finest grade stainless steel available and finished with a durable matte polish.

Safety Razor


Every man is unique, and so is his beard. That's why we've created a razor that is adjustable to match your unique shaving needs. 

Think of it like the electric clippers at your barber shop - change the blade setting, and change how close you cut. Need an extra close shave today? Just use our aggressive setting - it allows you to mow down the thickest beard with ease. Just a trim? Use our mild setting. Once you shave with our customizable razor, you'll wonder why you ever did it any other way.

Custom Single Edge

Clog Proof

Because the Single Edge only uses one blade, it's virtually impossible for it to clog with hair or shaving cream. It rinses clean every time!

Clog Proof

Designed to Display

We're tired of neon green spaceship razors. So we designed one that not only works better, but looks better too. 

Designed to Display